Being a Transparent Learner – and Teacher!

It’s the eve of beginning teaching my first AQ Course at Laurier University.  I’ve got my class list, I’ve taken a wonderful  eCourse from the PLP Network over the summer, I’ve prepared the syllabus and planned my first few nights for students.  I’m looking forward to negotiating the content with them and responding to their strengths and interests as we work together as a learning community to move our teaching practices forward.

I know that I’m going to be asking some educators to move out of their comfort zone a little bit, or perhaps a lot.  We’ll be taking some steps toward being more connected learners and teachers and along with that will come some transparency about our learning and indeed, about where we want to go as educators and what we want to learn.  I’m understanding of the discomfort that this may cause some, but I’m so passionate about the advantages that learning communities afford us as teachers, that I hope that I can provide the right balance of pressure and support that will help students deepen their own practice.

And…I’m no exception in this group of teachers!  I’m hoping to learn a lot too!

As a beginning teaching in this blended environment, I want to get a lot out of this course for my own learning.   I’d really like to push myself to examine my assessment practices over this 12 week course.  Do the assignments that I’ve created authentically assess the kinds of changes in practice that happen as a result of the use of technology?  Do I provide a wide variety of instructional strategies – ones that reflect the vision of what we want to see in our classrooms?  Will I ask the kinds of questions that will encourage teachers to think deeply and question traditional practices?  How will I know if I’ve been successful?  What will success look like?

I’ve got lots of questions — but I do know one thing…I’m really looking forward to working together with this group of educators this fall!  🙂